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Download the
Storytelling Tabletop Game!

To help players/participants to tell personal stories and find common grounds.

The challenge is not to prove yourself right and the other wrong but to learn how to listen and be listened to.

The game is available in English (EN), Spanish (ES), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Dutch (NL), and Turkish (TK). 

To access it in different languages, please click the 'Download' button:


Available in different languages
EN | ES | HU | IT | NL | TK


Board and Bricks
Common to all languages


Card Set
Available in different languages
EN | ES | HU | IT | NL | TK

Download the Book
Polarization: An Introduction

A Study on polarization that explores the differences and similarities in the narratives, attitudes, values, fears, wishes, needs of people belonging to different „tribes” in the participating 5 countries.

Download (EN, ES, HUN, IT, NL, TR)

Book Mockup stop.png

Download the Book
Storytelling as a Method to Counter Polarization

on how storytelling can be used to combat polarization, offering theory and guidelines that could be used as a source for further interventions.

Download (EN, ES, HUN, IT, NL, TR)


Download the Book
A Storytelling Training Toolkit

This toolkit makes it possible for adult educators/storytellers to carry out storytelling workshops focusing on reducing polarization by building trust, finding common grounds but also by tackling conflicts between members of opposing groups.

Download (EN, ES, HUN, IT NL, TR)

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